Trường Đại học Sư phạm Hà Nội 2

Spatial heterogeneity of neo- and paleo-endemism for plants in Madagascar

Tác giả: Wyckliffe Omondi Omollo, Romer Narindra Rabarijaona, Rindra Manasoa Ranaivoson, Mijoro Rakotoarinivo, Russell L. Barrett, Qiang Zhang, Yang-Jun Lai, Jian-Fei Ye, Chi Toan Le, Alexandre Antonelli, Zhi-Duan Chen, Bing Liu, Li-Min Lu

Chỉ số ảnh hưởng (IF): 9.2 (SCIE)

Tên tạp chí: Current Biology

Năm xuất bản: 2024

Số xuất bản: 34; Số trang: 1271-1283

Tóm tắt của bài báo: Madagascar is a biogeographically unique island with a remarkably high level of endemism. However, endemic taxa in Madagascar are massively threatened due to unprecedented pressures from anthropogenic habitat modification and climate change. A comprehensive phylogeny-based biodiversity evaluation of the island remains lacking. Here, we identify hotspots of taxonomic and phylogenetic plant diversity and neo- and paleo-endemism by generating a novel dated tree of life for the island. The tree is based on unprecedented sampling of 3,950 species (33% of the total known species) and 1,621 genera (93% of the total known genera and 69% of endemic genera) of Malagasy vascular plants. We find that island-endemic genera are concentrated in multiple lineages combining high taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity. Integrating phylogenetic and geographic distribution data, our results reveal that taxon richness and endemism are concentrated in the northern, eastern, and southeastern humid forests. Paleo-endemism centers are concentrated in humid eastern and central regions, whereas neo-endemism centers are concentrated in the dry and spiny forests in western and southern Madagascar. Our statistical analysis of endemic genera in each vegetation region supports a higher proportion of ancient endemic genera in the east but a higher proportion of recent endemic genera in the south and west. Overlaying centers of phylogenetic endemism with protected areas, we identify conservation gaps concentrated in western and southern Madagascar. These gaps should be incorporated into conservation strategies to aid the protection of multiple facets of biodiversity and their benefits to the Malagasy people.

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