Trường Đại học Sư phạm Hà Nội 2

Phylogeny, character evolution and historical biogeography of Scurrulinae (Loranthaceae): new insights into the circumscription of the genus Taxillus

Tác giả: Le Chi Toan, Limin Lu, Van Du Nguyen, Zhiduan Chen, Wyckliffe Omondi Omollo, Bing Liu

Chỉ số ảnh hưởng (IF): 5.3

Tên tạp chí: BMC Plant Biology

Năm xuất bản: 2024

Số xuất bản: 24; Số trang: 440

Tóm tắt của bài báo:

Background Exploring the relationship between parasitic plants and answering taxonomic questions is still challenging. The subtribe Scurrulinae (Loranthaceae), which has a wide distribution in Asia and Africa, provides an excellent example to illuminate this scenario. Using a comprehensive taxon sampling of the subtribe, this study focuses on infer the phylogenetic relationships within Scurrulinae, investigate the phylogeny and biogeography of the subtribe, and establish a phylogenetically-based classification incorporating both molecular and morphological evidence. We conducted phylogenetic, historical biogeography, and ancestral character state reconstruction analyses of Scurrulinae based on the sequences of six DNA regions from 89 individuals to represent all five tribes of the Loranthaceae and the dataset from eleven morphological characters.

Results The results strongly support the non-monophyletic of Scurrulinae, with Phyllodesmis recognized as a separate genus from its allies Taxillus and Scurrula based on the results from molecular data and morphological character reconstruction. The mistletoe Scurrulinae originated in Asia during the Oligocene. Scurrulinae was inferred to have been widespread in Asia but did not disperse to other areas. The African species of Taxillus, T. wiensii, was confirmed to have originated in Africa from African Loranthaceae ca. 17 Ma, and evolved independently from Asian members of Taxillus.

Conclusions This study based on comprehensive taxon sampling of the subtribe Scurrulinae, strongly supports the relationship between genera. The taxonomic treatment for Phyllodesmis was provided. The historical biogeography of mistletoe Scurrulinae was determined with origin in Asia during the Oligocene. Taxillus and Scurrula diverged during the climatic optimum in the middle Miocene. Taxillus wiensii originated in Africa from African Loranthaceae, and is an independent lineage from the Asian species of Taxillus. Diversification of Scurrulinae and the development of endemic species in Asia may have been supported by the fast-changing climate, including cooling, drying, and the progressive uplift of the high mountains in central Asia, especially during the late Pliocene and Pleistocene.


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